Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Inspired by Howard Roark !

Oflate I have had the privilege to read Ayn Rand's masterpeice - "The Fountainhead" - A timeless classic that has inspired and tranformed people for almost 70 years. The novel portrays an American society of early twentieth century when the threat of collectivists stranglehold is looming.

Howard Roark - the protagonist is inspirational. An egotist who opines that man lives primarily for his own good, and his own needs. Being creative, he believes that a creative mind can never belong to the altruist. Creativity stems from a man's selfishness and not from his concern for the society. From time immemorial, Creator worked for his own ego...his desire to practise what he likes or believes. Philanthropist - the culprit, took it for the common good.

In a collectivist society, there are no individual opinions,thoughts or reasoning. Any and every decision is a compromise. It's a kind of servitude - where men are slaves of men. Men who are made and unmade by public opinion. Men who use others and let themselves be used. A bunch of non-creative parasites that stagnate civilization.

Roark - an individualist remains unaffected by society. Amidst clamour, protests, and propaganda he holds his head; stands firm for his believes and silently, single-handedly fights the menacing collectivist beast swallowing the American society.


Sreejith said...

appo aduthathu Atlas Shrugged aaano ;)

Ajith said...

Book vangichu..aliya vayiche thodaganam :-)